Monday, April 24, 2006

Day 1 on the journey towards MY dream.

Day 1 April 24 2006 2:42 PM Monday

This is the start of my journey. Today is the Day 1 of the JB Glossinger moving to full time speaker/consultant/coach. I will start documenting the journey from today and put it up on the blog.

I have been out of work for 1 month and I am starting to get the daily conditioning out of my ego. If you have not read about me before, you can find out the details at A quick overview is for the past 3 years I have run a small aerospace company and have had a spiritual awakening. During this time I finished my Ph.D. in metaphysics from The American Institute of Holistic Theology and started a book called Get Out Of Neutral. There are some enteries down below which will document some of that phase.

I have let the ideas in this book bring me to this point in my life. I have the wife, life, and material possessions of my dreams. There is one dream left and that is to become a full time speaker/consultant/coach and help people as so many others have helped me.

This is the “journal” of what happens on this journey. To get to this point a few things have happened that need to be documented.

  1. March 22, 2006 I left my job as Director of Aero Hardware and Supply Inc. Leaving a nice salary, security and benefits.
  2. January 1, 2006 Pilar and I acquired Sun Cleaning Inc. A residential cleaning company that allowed us to replace some of the income from my position I would leave on March 22, 2006.
  3. In February I reached an agreement with David Bischoff to help edit the manuscript before publishing. He introduced me to Bob Mecoy who has signed on to represent the book.
  4. In February I got a basic web site up at
  5. In June of 2005 I formed the The Alive Foundation Inc. to build this business from.

That is about where I am at currently. I have finished the last few chapters and I am going to do them in audio and send them to David so he can look at what revisions we need. This will be done today. Now to promotion and to my dream of helping people.

I have just purchased 5 books on coaching, 1 on consulting, and 1 Get On TV. I also ordered form Amazon 1 on a one page business plan I have heard so much about and 1 on one page presentations.

I am currently putting together the business plan, which I will post. The goals (I like trajectories) and the time tables. With the book it looks like we are going to have to self publish 1st, then go traditional at that time.

I am looking for a mentor and some advice and I am going to be contacting many people which I will document here.

Some highlights of my current condition: I have enough money in the bank to sustain me for 12 months with no income coming in, and slight investments in products etc. I already have the technological pieces in place, phones, copiers, cell phones, etc… thanks to the Sun Cleaning business. This business also provides day to day living expenses. Though, we have very little for savings. This project is the savings and my new career.

With putting this together I will also document and track my goal of becoming fluent in Spanish in 1 year. This is a challenge as I have not put the effort forward, but I am starting today.

Everything that I have learned to this point has brought me here, the MBA, the Ph.D. and the school of hard knocks. I have so much to share and so much to bring to the market and produce a business that will have long reaching impact.

I am using ACT software to organize my day, and also using Microsoft products to put together plans and marketing materials. I have the web site up, this week I need to start with the marketing materials, locate some individuals who may want to mentor me. Finish up the audio chapters for the book.

I am also back in the gym; woo hoo doing everything that I love, now if I could just find a good place to play basketball!

Everyday is a step forward and you can follow it here on this blog.

Thank You,

James (J.B.) Glossinger Ph.D.

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