Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oh Wilma!!! Ughh Here we go again

I am sitting in my prison of a house all shuttered up and waiting, they are saying the storm should be here by tomorrow morning and from the looks of it it looks af if it will come right over us here in Plantation...It is a Category 3 and not slowing down...UGGH

Well not much we can do but sit and wait.

Finished half of my dissertation, during the day tomorrow I will be working on more of it, somehow I picked up the flu so I am fighting thru that.

Pretty interesting happening as we are putting in an offer on a cleaning business, I think we will get it I just have to come up with the money should be a good investment for us, I will keep you informed on that.

Still on task, just need a few more weeks andI will be done with my Ph.D got all my grades back and only on B all the rest A's whoo hoo

Well by the time I write again we will have been thorugh Wilma


Sunday, October 16, 2005

Slowly but surely movng forward

Working on the dissertation, but it is going slower then I thought. I need to pick up the pace, but also enjoy he process.

I have had a couple set backs and I have been traveling some for work which has caused me to slow down a little. This week is a reduction to 500 words a night.
Life though is pretty good Pilar and myself are looking for business's to buy, while I continue on the Ph.d. I need to finish that up and get the book out a lot of people are waiting. Everyday though is more of a challenge and a learning experience.

Will keep you informed