Friday, July 15, 2005

Moving forward

Just a quick update, as I continue my education I have started a "prosperity wheel of fortune." This is where you build a dream board and put pictures in each area of your life. Social, Educational, Business, Spiritual, and a center section which is the area of divine intelligence.

Doing this for 7 days has given me the idea to sell the house. If we sell the house it will provide me the opportunity to pursue higher ideals and a vacation home in Bogota and Cartegna Colombia. It will also get me out of financial debt if we can get what we want for the house. The only issue is we lose the "dream" house in Florida which is OK, being the doors it will open. We can find something here for less money and still have a great quality of life that will just get better.

In the meantime I have the 3 revisions back on the book so I need to finish it up and rewrite. The Ph.D I have about 7 more classes and a dissertation, but it is going pretty well. My job running this aerospace company is going ok, dealing with ego thought, but hanging in there. Things have got much better the last couple weeks.

Pretty interesting, I am learning not to force, to relax and move forward. It will happen in due time... I wrote this the other day, " Remember: every situation you have or will be put in is a BLESSING to help you grow to your destiny. Do not get caught up in ego thought. I can choose peace instead of this."

Many blessings and thanks for following my treck to publishing my book and building financial independence.

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