Friday, July 29, 2005

Dissertation topic FOUND!!

Going to be working on a paper which involves Metaphysics and Business.

This will allow me to take the Alive Foundation Inc. in 2 directions. The first one will be individual development and growth and the second area is business. This will allow the business of the Alive Foundation to grow and develop and help in 2 fronts.

As I do the research for Metaphysics and business, I will turn this into the second book. Thus, with Get out of Nuetral and Metaphysics and Business, I will have two foundations to build on. I will continue my updates here on the progress. I have 2 papers to write this weekend one on religious plurity and the other on prosperity. I then have only 5 more classes and my dissertation to go. So the trajectory of December is on track.

I also am working on learning dreamweaver so that I can handle my own web issues, also learning visual communicator 2 which will allow myself to do web broadcasts. This and still moving forward with Spanish also. Put all that and with the finishing of the 2 books and the business plan I should have a solid foundation going into 2006.

As always, many blessings to you....It is a great life.... and it just keeps getting better!!!

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