Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dissertation game plan

Metaphysics and Business

There is a need to show the business world that those aligning and following core metaphysical values and missions, with individual’s core values and missions will lead to significant increases in profitability for stake holders in many ways.

By aligning and following these values and missions a business will in turn start to create synergy among its human resources and then gain momentum. This all ties into the “flow” creating a living organism that creates incredible profitability and growth, while grounded in values that allow for that growth, and as a by-product creates job satisfaction.

This job satisfaction, leads to less turnover, reduced costs, more efficiency, less waste, and a truly successful business. This is the secret we need to share not only with business but also with society. It will lead to a better economy, environment, and societies overall quality of life.

This is my task to find out what information is out there and put it together to help show as my mission states, “one person can change the world one person at a time.” Or in this case one person can change the world one business at a time. This is the objective.

In the dissertation I will progress through three areas:

1. The importance of purpose

Establishing and following metaphysical values and missions.

2. Creating synergy and environment

Getting into the flow, social and environmental responsibility and why this is important metaphysically.

3. The Bottom Line (Why would I want to do this?)

Productivity gain, Profitability, Six Sigma, Low Turnover, Lean Production, TQM

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