Saturday, August 20, 2005

In San Diego

I have not posted in a while, been working hard and studying! 4 more classes and the dissertation...

Just got into San Diego last night. The weather is amazing here it is about 75 degrees and beautiful. I am here for the ACPC Air Carriers Purchasing Conference. Today we have a Golf scramble and then tomorrow starts the trade show. Should be a good time.

I am studying death and dying right now, and then moving into healing.

A lot has been happening last Sat I went to a FSA Florida Speakers Association meeting and was able to meet Max Dixon. What a guy, he really helped me a lot and I look forward to getting with him again. Max is a teacher of body language and works with speakers.

I have not had the opportunity to write much, but finishing off the Ph.D is the most important trajectory to do right now. I am working on refinance the house to give myself some financial flexibility and also stay on plan with the Alive Foundation Inc.

Overall finding peace and happiness, it is all coming together I just have to keep working and pushing a little and at the same time relax and find the peace that I need to find. I am looking forward to breaking away and helping as many people as I can..

Thank You for reading I will see you soon.

1 comment:

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